Tuesday, November 13, 2007

If you're reading this, you are very fortunate

If the world's population of 6 million were reduced to a small community of 100 people, keeping the same proportions we have today, it would look something like this:

43 would lack basic santiation
18 would lack access to clean water
6 of them would own more than 59% of the wealth
13 would go to sleep each night hungry
14 could not read
12 would have a computer
3 would have access to the internet
1 would be living with HIV/AIDS
whoever had a refrigerator, a bed, and a roof over their head would be richer than 75% of the population
18 would struggle to live on less than $1 a day
53 would struggle to live on less than $2 a day

Be thankful for what you have, and fight for a better world.


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