Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The mirror behind your back

I don't know what I am about to write. So perhaps in this sense it will not do for you to call me a writer. How far, for example, does the artist's signature go in making him an artist? I've been leafing through a book on Frida Kahlo in which are included reproductions of her first love letters to Alejandro. Throughout the letters she illustrates particular emotions with drawings, herself crying, or a dove. Should I include one here? What visual image would be appropiate to what I am feeling right now? But this is silly. I don't love you. Who are you? You are perhaps someone waiting for a bus, or sitting on a toilet. In a spare moment you grab for something more appropriate, something answering to the needs at hand. Ordinary things, things without color, useless as the image of yourself in the mirror behind your back.

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